The Importance of the Olympic Games’ Intellectual Property

From the Olympic rings to the 2020 Tokyo logo - these identifications create the unique character of the Olympic Games. People around the world…

John Deere’s most successful product in the 1800s: The Sulky-Plow

What brand instantly comes to mind when thinking of U.S. Agriculture? For many, the answer is John Deere. John Deere’s history began in 1837 in Grand…

Celebrating LGBTQIA+ Figures In STEM this Pride Month

As part of June's Pride Month, we're highlighting the contributions that LGBTQIA+ community members have made in the fields of STEM.

Suiter Swantz IP Welcomes Technical Advisor and Law Clerk DeLaney Brink

DeLaney Brink joins Suiter Swantz IP as a technical advisor and law clerk. DeLaney Brink holds a B.S. in computer science and B.A. in mathematics…

Celebrating National Inventor’s Month

The work of inventors has shaped our society, fueled our economy and improved our lives. National Inventor's Month is observed each year in May and…

Suiter Swantz Welcomes Intellectual Property Paralegal Sally Strobel

Sally Strobel joins Suiter Swantz IP as an Intellectual Property Paralegal.

Celebrating Earth Day With Recycling Innovations

To celebrate Earth Day, we want to focus on sustainable, environmentally friendly technologies. This year, we wanted to focus on inventions related…

Suiter Swantz IP Welcomes IP Docketing Specialist Theresa Cleveland

Theresa Cleveland joins Suiter Swantz IP as an IP Docketing Specialist.

Google v Oracle

Google v. Oracle: SCOTUS Rules in Favor of Google and API Developers

After a decade-long legal battle between Google and Oracle, the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Google - marking a win for the future of…

St. Patrick’s Day IP – Shamrock Trademark History

Before you put on that green t-shirt and pull out your Saint Patrick's Day decorations, let's take a look at two of the most notable Irish symbols…

Shane Thielen Teaching Copyrights Course at Creighton University School of Law

Suiter Swantz IP Patent Attorney, Shane Thielen, is teaching Copyrights at Creighton University School of Law during the 2021 spring semester.

Three Reasons to Protect Your Intellectual Property

So, why should you care about protecting your intellectual property? Intellectual property (IP) often gets put on the back burner by business owners.…

Celebrating President’s Day: Who Was The Only President To Hold A Patent?

In honor of President's Day, we're uncovering the only president-held invention and who is considered to be the 'Father of Invention.' Abraham…

Love Is Patent, Love Is Kind: Our Favorite Patents For Valentine’s Day

Whether you celebrate Valentine's Day or avoid it, we can all get some enjoyment from the various pieces of popular intellectual property associated…

Honoring The International Day of Women and Girls In Science

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is observed each year on February 11th by the United Nations  to encourage the involvement of…

Black Inventors

Celebrating Black Pioneers in Science this Black History Month

American innovation is rich with the contributions and influence of many Black inventors and STEM professionals. Get to know these notable Black…

The Super Bowl: Brought to You by Intellectual Property!

As the Kansas City Chiefs and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers get ready for Super Bowl Sunday, intellectual property protections and innovations are helping…

Nebraska College of Law

Matt Poulsen Teaching Patent Law Course at University of Nebraska College of Law

Suiter Swantz IP Co-Owner and Patent Attorney Matt Poulsen is teaching Patent Practice and Innovation Management at the University of Nebraska…

Suiter Swantz IP 2021 U.S. Patent Calendar

Suiter Swantz IP 2021 U.S. Patent Calendar At the beginning of each year, we enjoy creating a U.S. Patent Calendar that we send to our clients and…