John Deere’s most successful product in the 1800s: The Sulky-Plow

What brand instantly comes to mind when thinking of U.S. Agriculture? For many, the answer is John Deere. John Deere’s history began in 1837 in Grand Detour, Illinois, when he created a highly…

Celebrating National Inventor's Month

The work of inventors has shaped our society, fueled our economy and improved our lives. National Inventor's Month is observed each year in May and was founded as a way to promote the positive image…

Suiter Swantz Welcomes Intellectual Property Paralegal Sally Strobel

Sally Strobel joins Suiter Swantz IP as an Intellectual Property Paralegal.

Suiter Swantz IP Welcomes IP Docketing Specialist Theresa Cleveland

Theresa Cleveland joins Suiter Swantz IP as an IP Docketing Specialist.

Shane Thielen Teaching Copyrights Course at Creighton University School of Law

Suiter Swantz IP Patent Attorney, Shane Thielen, is teaching Copyrights at Creighton University School of Law during the 2021 spring semester.

Three Reasons to Protect Your Intellectual Property

So, why should you care about protecting your intellectual property? Intellectual property (IP) often gets put on the back burner by business owners. Here at Suiter Swantz IP, we understand it can be…

Love Is Patent, Love Is Kind: Our Favorite Patents For Valentine's Day

Whether you celebrate Valentine's Day or avoid it, we can all get some enjoyment from the various pieces of popular intellectual property associated with the holiday. Before you buy yourself a box…

The Super Bowl: Brought to You by Intellectual Property!

As the Kansas City Chiefs and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers get ready for Super Bowl Sunday, intellectual property protections and innovations are helping to make the event exciting and successful. From…

'Tis The Season To Celebrate Some Classic Holiday Inventions

It's time to celebrate winter holidays and traditions. From snowy-weather activities to unique decorations, this time of year is always filled with joy and celebration. As we celebrate the holidays,…

History of the Guitar: Electric to Acoustic, Van Halen to Fender

Music is a vital part of our cultural expression, and perhaps no musical instrument has shaped the development of music as much as the guitar. From acoustic to electric, the guitar has gone through…