World Science Day for Peace and Development

Suiter Swantz IP celebrates World Science Day for Peace and Development. Today we observe the significant role of science in society and the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging…

Ways To Celebrate and Observe National STEM Day

Today we celebrate National STEM Day, a national holiday reserved to encourage kids and individuals of all ages to identify their passions in the world of science, technology, engineering, and……

Classic Football Patents To Celebrate The Season

The long awaited football season is upon us. Whether you're watching your team from your couch or playing your own game, Suiter Swantz IP wants to kick-off the football season by showcasing some of…

Celebrating Halloween With Candy, Costumes and Creepy Traditions

Parents and kids are scrambling to put the final touches on costumes and Jack-o'-lanterns, not to mention stocking up on candy for tonight's trick or treaters. However, over the years, the…

Gearing Up For Halloween With Some Wacky Halloween Inventions

It’s that time of year again when ghosts and ghouls go bump in the night and trick or treaters hunt for candy and costumes. While Intellectual Property may not the first phrase that comes to mind…

USPTO v. - Argues Against “Generic” Trademark Registration argues against “generic” trademark registration In a ruling by the Supreme Court in July, United States Patent and Trademark Office et. al. v. B.V., online companies may have…

Celebrating International Coffee Day and The Intellectual Property Behind It

Every year on International Coffee Day, millions of coffee lovers from around the world get a chance to celebrate their love and the history behind their favorite cup of joe With the average coffee…

The United States Patent and Trademark Office Fire of 1877

On this day in 1877, the United States Patent and Trademark Office caught fire. While the building was repaired, the fire remains an important part of USPTO history. The fire at the USPTO office on…

Falling Into Fall-Themed Patents

For many, Fall means decorating homes with pumpkins and mums, marveling at the changing leaves, and researching new soup recipes to prepare for the cooler weather ahead. For others, the new season…

Can a Large Patent Portfolio Violate the Sherman Antitrust Act?

Can a Large Patent Portfolio Violate the Sherman Antitrust Act? In a recent federal case, AbbVie Inc. successfully defended a claim for antitrust violations arising from its aggressive patent…

First U.S. Patent Issued Today In 1790

On July 31, 1790, Samuel Hopkins was granted the first U.S. patent when he created a better way to make potash, a versatile chemical used in American exports. Potash is an impure form of potassium…

Independence Day Innovation

Independence Day Innovations

We’re all familiar with the typical fanfare that unfolds on the Fourth of July—barbecues, pool parties, and fireworks, and all things grilled and chilled. To kick off the summer celebration, we are…