Light bulb with pencils and notebook on background

Suiter Swantz Co-Owners Attend NUtech Ventures 2021 Innovator Celebration

The annual event featured this year’s Innovator Awards, which recognize university personnel and companies who are developing and commercializing cutting-edge research.

Sean Suiter Teaching Patent Law Course at Creighton University School of Law

Suiter Swantz IP Co-Owner and Patent Attorney, Sean Patrick Suiter, is teaching Patent Law at Creighton University School of Law during the 2021 fall semester. by Matthew A. Poulsen - Owner and Patent Attorney

Suiter Swantz IP Presents Bikes to Local Elementary School

All Kids Bike made a stop in Omaha, Nebraska to join Suiter Swantz IP and Governor Pete Ricketts to deliver bike programs! Suiter Swantz IP co-owners, Matt Poulsen and Scot Ringenberg joined Ryan…

Getting In The Game With Football-Themed Intellectual Property

It's that time of year again! The long-awaited football season is right around the corner. Whether you're cheering on a team or just attend football parties for the snacks, intellectual property…

Back To School: History On Back-to-School Supplies

Backpacks are zipped, lunch is packed and now it’s time for your first patent history lesson of the new school year– a brief history of back-to-school supplies. As you’re gathering school supplies,…

John Deere’s most successful product in the 1800s: The Sulky-Plow

What brand instantly comes to mind when thinking of U.S. Agriculture? For many, the answer is John Deere. John Deere’s history began in 1837 in Grand Detour, Illinois, when he created a highly…

Celebrating LGBTQIA+ Figures In STEM this Pride Month

As part of June's Pride Month, we're highlighting the contributions that LGBTQIA+ community members have made in the fields of STEM.