Patent of the Day: Combined Toboggan and Sled

On this day in 1926, the patent for Combined Toboggan and Sled was granted. U.S. Patent No. 1,568,493.

Diaper Drive 2015 Results

Thanks to everyone, this year, we were able to donate 2,195 diapers to the women and children of the Lydia House. Way to go!  

Patent of the Day: Bill Holder

On this day in 1919 the patent for Bill Holder was granted. U.S. Patent No. 1,326,602.

Deck the Halls with IP Knowledge

It’s that time of year again, Christmas, a time where families gather to celebrate with gifts, giving and food. But what would Christmas be without…

Patent of the Day: Ironing Board

On this day in 1903 the patent for Ironing Board was granted. U.S. Patent No. 747,952.

Patent of the Day: Combined Tent and Wagon

On this day in 1886 the patent for Combined Tent and Wagon was granted. U.S. Patent No. 355,231.

Diaper Drive 2015

We are excited to be helping the women and children of the Lydia House by donating diapers this holiday season. If you want to help and donate, drop…

Star Wars Week in Patents

With the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens here are some fun Star Wars related patents.

Patent of the Day: Motor or Engine (Rotary-Engine Auto)

On this day in 1896 the patent for Motor or Engine was granted. U.S. Patent No. 573,174.

Patent of the Day: Smut Machine

On this day in 1841, the patent for Smut Machine was granted. U.S. Patent No. 2,390.

Patent of the Day: Sterilizing Apparatus

On this day in 1912 the patent for Sterilizing Apparatus was granted. U.S. Patent No. 1,046,842.

Patent of the Day: Denture Attaching Device

On this day in 1919 the patent for Denture Attaching Device was granted. U.S. Patent No. 1,324,476.

Patent of the Day: Tattooing Machine

On this day in 1891 the patent for Tattooing Machine was granted. U.S. Patent No. 464,801.  

Patent of the Day: Apparatus for Signaling and Communication “Photophone”

On this day in 1880, the patent for Apparatus for Signaling and Communicating, called "Photophone" was granted. U.S. Patent No. 235,199. The…

Patent of the Day: Dress Protector

On this day in 1988 the patent for Dress Protector was granted. U.S. Patent No. 393,979. The Dress Protector was invented by Lebrecht Heumann, from…

Patent of the Day: Barrel Truck

On this day in 1929 the patent for Barrel Truck was granted. U.S. Patent No. 1,738,096. The Barrel Truck was invented by Perino B. Cole, from…

Patent of the Day: Home Security System Utilizing Television

On this day in 1969 the patent for Security System Utilizing Television Surveillance was granted. U.S. Patent No. 3,482,037. The Home Security System…

The Fallout of Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. v. Sandoz, Inc.

On January 20, 2015, the Supreme Court decided that a district court’s factual findings would receive an added degree of deference. Rather than be…

Patent of the Day: Baby Comforter (Pacifier)

On this day in 1903 the patent of the Baby Comforter was granted. U.S. Patent No. 745,920. The Baby Comforter, known today as pacifier, was invented…

Patent of the Day: Glass Jar (Mason Jar)

On this day in 1858 the patent for Glass Jar was granted. U.S. Patent No. 22,186. The Glass Jar, known today as Mason Jar, was invented by John L.…