Patent of the Day: Sausage Stuffer
March 29, 2016
On this day in 1859 the patent for Sausage Stuffer was granted. U.S. Patent No. 23,416.
Patent of the Day: Hydraulic Air Compressor
March 28, 2016
On this day in 1905 the patent for Air Compressor was granted. U.S. Patent No. 785,889.
9 Iconic Inventors Who Changed the World
March 23, 2016
By: Carolyn Sun - Entrepreneur For an invention to leave a significant mark on history, it’s impact needs to be major. Understandably, it doesn’t…
Nebraska MRSEC Job Symposium
March 21, 2016
Our own Matt Poulsen will be discussing patent law and alternative careers for STEM graduates this Friday the 25th around 2:45pm. This symposium will…
Omaha Startup Week: OEN Happy Hour 3/25 Sponsored by Suiter Swantz
March 21, 2016
Come join us Friday the 25th from 4:30-6:30 for a Happy Hour Event at the Exchange Building Sponsored by Suiter Swantz. Hosting the event during…
Patent of the Day: Combined Hanging Basket and Pot
March 15, 2016
On this day in 1904 the patent for Combined Hanging Basket and Pot was granted. U.S. Patent No. 754,683.
Office Hours with Matt Poulsen 3/24 1-3pm at the Exchange Building
March 15, 2016
Our own Matt Poulsen will be hosting Office Hours during Omaha Startup Week, Thursday, March 24th from 1-3pm at the Exchange Building, 1905 Harney…
Patent of the Day: Saluting Device
March 10, 2016
In case your hands are full and you can't properly salute someone this patent is just what you need. On this day in 1896, the patent for Saluting…
International Women’s Day: A Look at Women Inventors
March 8, 2016
A Look at Women Inventors Today is International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate all the achievements, small or large, women have accomplished. We…
Patent of the Day: Improvement in Telegraphy (telephone)
March 7, 2016
On this day in 1876, Alexander Graham Bell was granted the patent for Improvement in Telegraphy, now known as the first telephone. U.S. Patent No.…
Patent of the Day: Harmonica Holder
March 1, 2016
On this day in 1904 the patent for Harmonica Holder was granted. U.S. Patent No. 753,713.
Patent of the Day: Blackout Shutter
February 29, 2016
On this day in 1944 the patent for Blackout Shutter was granted. U.S. Patent No. 2,342,826.
Patent Comic
February 26, 2016
This is a fun comic WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) put together. Enjoy.
U.S. top court mulls boosted patent damages in Stryker, Halo cases
February 25, 2016
REUTERS - WASHINGTON The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday signaled a willingness to give federal judges more discretion to boost penalties for patent…