Patent of the Day: Window Air Conditioner

On this day in 1954 Allen Trask was granted the patent for Window Air Conditioner. U.S. Patent No. 2,682,159. A principal object of this invention is…

Patent of the Day: Portable X-Ray Apparatus

On this day in 1926 Wilhelm Falkenberg was granted the patent for Portable X-Ray Apparatus. U.S. Patent No. 1,590,929. The object of this invention…

Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran Faces Copyright Lawsuit

Ed Sheeran, popular musician known for chart topping songs Thinking Out Loud, Sing and Photograph is now in the limelight for another reason. Sheeran…

Patent of the Day: Hydrocarbon Furnace

On this day in 1905 George L. Bourne was granted the patent for Hydrocarbon Furnace. U.S. Patent No. 793,622. This invention relates to novel…

Patent of the Day: Machine for Printing and Embossing Checks

On this day in 1902 Frank H. Cottrill was granted the patent application for Machine for Printing and Embossing Checks. U.S. Patent No. 703,335. This…

Halo v. Pulse Decision

The Supreme Court issued a significant, unanimous, decision in the case of Halo v. Pulse – vacated and remanded the Federal Circuit’s limits to…

Patent of the Day: Ice Rink Resurfacing Machine (Zamboni)

On this day in 1953, F.J. Zamboni was granted the patent  for Ice Rink Resurfacing Machine. U.S. Patent No. 2,642,679.

Supreme Court Ruling in Cuozzo Speed Technologies, LLC v. Lee

On April 25, 2016, oral arguments for Cuozzo Speed Technologies v. Lee were heard by the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS). One of the primary…

Patent of the Day: Refrigerator

On this day in 1909 Alvin V. Rowe was granted the patent for Refrigerator. U.S. Patent No. 925,727.

Patent of the Day: Hydraulic Air Compressor

On this day in 1904 John Homer Alexander was granted the patent for Hydraulic Air Compressor. U.S. Patent No. 763.239. The object of this invention…

Budweiser Truck

Budweiser v. Lumbee Tribe

In a lawsuit filed in federal court June 14, 2016, the Lumbee tribe of North Carolina accused AB-InBev and R.A. Jeffrey’s Distributing for illegally…

Patent of the Day: Grave Alarm

On this day in 1893 August Lindquist was granted the patent for Grave Alarm. U.S. Patent No. 500,072. This invention relates to improvements in grave…

Inventions by Dad

Dads are the greatest.  They are there to wipe your tears when you are sad, they teach you how to throw a ball, they are who you run to when mom says…

Patent of the Day: Bi-Telephone

On this day in 1891 Ernest Jules Pierre was granted the patent for Bi-Telephone. U.S. Patent No. 454,138. This invention relates to an improvement in…

Patent of the Day: Mouse Trap

On this day in 1943 Henry Peterson was granted the patent for Mouse Trap.  U.S. Patent No. 2,321,617. The object of this invention is to provide a…

Patent of the Day: Combination Shoulder and Lap Safety Belt (seat belt)

On this day in 1955 Roger W. Griswold II et al, were granted the patent for Combination Shoulder and Lap Safety Belts. U.S. Patent No. 2,710,649.…

Patent of the Day: Circuit Breaker and Closer for Alternating Currents

On this day in 1905 Andrew Gray was granted the patent for Circuit Breaker and Closers for Alternating Currents. U.S. Patent No. 792,020. This…

Patent of the Day: Method of Gravity Liquid Separation of Solids

On this day in 1913 Francis I. DuPont was granted the patent for Method of Gravity Liquid Separation of Solids. U.S. Patent No. 1,064,459. In this…

Patent of the Day: Job-Printing Press

On this day in 1903 Frank W. Pohl was granted the patent for Job-Printing Press.  U.S. Patent No. 730,396. This invention relates to job-printing…

Straight Shot 2016 Cohort

Congratulations to all the teams in the 2016 Straight Shot Cohort!  We look forward to getting to know all of you and wish you all good luck!