Piano Frame Patent

Patent of the Day: Piano Frame

Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent Of The Day. On this day in 1885, C.F. Theodore Steinway was…

Cheerleaders and Pom-poms

Supreme Court Copyright Decision: Star Athletica v. Varsity Brands

On Wednesday, March 22nd, the Supreme Court of the United States gave its opinion in the copyright case, Star Athletica, L.L.C. v. Varsity Brands,…

Egg Hatching Apparatus Patent

Patent of the Day: Egg Hatching Apparatus

Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent Of The Day. On this day in 1843, Napoleon E. Guerin was granted…

Twine Tying Patent

Patent of the Day: Twine Tying Mechanism

Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent Of The Day. On this day in 1966, Henry F. Keates was granted U.S.…

White Car Mirror

Alphabet’s Waymo Seeking to Halt Uber’s Self-Driving Car

Waymo, the Alphabet subsidiary now handling Google’s self-driving car project, filed a lawsuit in February that alleged Uber stole vital proprietary…

Artificial Teeth Patent

Patent of the Day: Manufacture of Artificial Teeth or the Like

Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent Of The Day. On this day in 1905, Frédéric Adolphe Jules Cournand…

Brick Making Machine

Patent of the Day: Brick Making Machine

Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent Of The Day. On this day in 1906, Charles Walter Pratt was granted…

Moving Stairway patent

Patent of the Day: Moving Spiral Stairway or Elevator

viagra pop over to this website Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent Of The Day. On this day in 1903,…

Ice Creeper Patent

Patent of the Day: Ice Creeper

Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent Of The Day. On this day in 1909, Edward W. Fletcher was granted…

Engineering Outside the Lines

March 24 – Jon S. Horneber will sit on a panel as an alumni of the Mechanical Engineering Department and the Design Center Colorado. Jon will field…

Pocket Knife patent

Patent of the Day: Pocket Cutlery

Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent Of The Day. On this day in 1881, Nelson B. Slayton was granted…

Nebraska Seal

Update on Nebraska LB67: Adopt the Fair Repair Act

On March 9th, 2017, Nebraska LB67: Adopt the Fair Repair Act was heard by the Judiciary Committee in Room 1113 at the Capitol. LB67 includes…

Rose the Riveter

Women’s History Month: A Look at Women Innovators

March is Women’s History Month, and there are many women who have been responsible for countless inventions and innovations.  Suiter Swantz IP would…

Signal Transmission Patent

Patent of the Day: Signal Transmission

Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent Of The Day. On this day in 1939, Homer W. Dudley was granted U.S.…

Dallin B. Call

Suiter Swantz IP Team Spotlight: Dallin Call

At Suiter Swantz IP we take great pride in providing our clients with the highest level of intellectual property representation and we recognize this…

Milking Stool patent

Patent of the Day: Milking Stool

Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent Of The Day. On this day in 1906, Merrill T. Hamilton was granted…

Shamrock glasses patent

St. Patrick’s Day Patent of the Day: Eyeglasses with Clover

Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent Of The Day. On this day in 1993, Craig T. Jones and David M.…

Ice Cream Freezer Patent

Patent of the Day: Ice Cream Freezer

Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent Of The Day. On this day in 1909, John C. Miller was granted U.S.…

Roasting Coffee Patent

Patent of the Day: Method of Roasting Coffee

Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent Of The Day. On this day in 1904, THeodore R. Timby was granted…