Patent of the Day: Inflatable Boat
July 21, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1967, Giacarlo Mambretti filed an…
Motion to Amend in an IPR Defeated in the CAFC
July 20, 2017
In the recent case Shinn Fu vs. Tire Hanger, No. 16-2250 (Fed. Cir. 2017), decided on July 3, 2017, the United States Court of Appeals for the…
Patent of the Day: Ice Cream Freezer
July 20, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1897, Charles H. Ackerman was granted…
Patent of the Day: Life-Saving Appliance
July 19, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1904, James Monroe Decker was…
UC Davis Wins Strawberry Suit
July 18, 2017
Most people associate California with the beach and Hollywood. However, California is more than just a state with vacation spots and pop-culture. In…
Patent of the Day: Folding Lunch-Box
July 18, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1916, Myron A. Gilman was granted…
Patent of the Day: Electrical Generator
July 17, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1883, Thomas A. Edison was granted…
STRONGER Patents Act of 2017 Introduced
July 14, 2017
In June of 2017, Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) introduced the Support Technology & Research for Our Nation’s Growth and Economic Resilience Act…
Patent of the Day: Knitting Machine
July 13, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1909, Louis L. Wilson and Exilias…
Patent of the Day: Baseball Cleat
July 12, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1932, George W. Harper was granted…
Patent of the Day: Noodle Making Machine
July 11, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1939, Henry Chan Mun was granted…
Patent of the Day: Safety Belt
July 10, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1962, Nils Ivar Bohlin Goteborg was…
Patent of the Day: Means for Uniting a Screw with a Driver
July 7, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1936, Henry F. Phillips, was granted…
Patent of the Day: Railway-Switch
July 6, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1909, Peter McGrath, was granted…
Patent of the Day: Eyelash Curler
July 5, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1955, Charles M. Palmer, was granted…
Patent of the Day: Bifocal Lens
June 30, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1914, Andrew Jay Cross, was granted…
Patent of the Day: Lunar Landing Flight Research Vehicle
June 29, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1965, Hugh L. Dryden, the deputy…
Has the Term Google Become Generic?
June 28, 2017
What do escalators, aspirin, thermos, and videotape have in common? They were once trademarked but lost their legally protected status because they…
Patent of the Day: Edible Pharmaceutical Inks
June 28, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1966, James Carroll Brown were…
Patent of the Day: Monocycle
June 27, 2017
Suiter Swantz IP takes a look back at past inventions and inventors with our Patent of the Day. On this day in 1899, Louis Schutte were granted…