Commercial Building

How to Select Your Business Name and Trademark

A few months ago, I served as a mentor for Breakthrough Weekend in which groups of students at the University of Nebraska at Omaha competed against…

Flying Drone

Amazon Patents Self-Destructing Drone

Amazon was recently in the news for one of their patent applications dealing with advances in drone technology. Amazon was granted a patent for its…

Christmas Trees

“O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree” a Look at Your Intellectual Property

Christmas trees are an essential element of Christmas and the holiday season. According to the American Christmas Tree Association’s (ACTA) seventh…

Suiter Swantz IP Diaper Drive

2017 Diaper Drive Results

Thanks to everyone who donated this year. We were able to donate 3,318 diapers to the women and children of the Lydia House. Way to go!  

May the Fourth be with You

May the 4th be with Star Wars Intellectual Property

Since the first film of the Star Wars saga, released in 1977, George Lucas and Lucasfilm have become profoundly adept at dealing with legal matters…

Budlight Truck

Bud Light Sends Town Crier to Deliver Cease-and-Desist Notice

Bud Light certainly has a sense of humor when it comes to cease-and-desist notices. Modist Brewing, a craft brewing company located in Minneapolis,…

Mistletoe Headband Patent

Patent of the Week: Mistletoe Supporting Headband

Mistletoe, a parasitic plant that thrives off the healthy plants it attaches itself to, is a plant that has been associated with Christmas for…

Oral Arguments Heard by Supreme Court in Oil States Energy v. Greene’s Energy

Monday November 27, 2017, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments in Oil States Energy Services LLC v. Greene’s Energy Group,…

Christmas Baby

Diaper Drive 2017

This holiday season Suiter Swantz IP is proud to help the Lydia House, a division of the Open Door Mission, by collecting diapers for women and…

United States Capitol Building

STRONGER Patent Act 2017

In July, the Suiter Swantz staff reported on the introduction of Senate Bill 1390, also known as the STRONGER Patent Act, by Senator Chris Coons of…

Happy Thanksgiving with pumpkins and leaves

A Thanksgiving Serving of Intellectual Property

Thanksgiving is here once again, a time when family and friends come together and celebrate. Here are a few interesting patents, patent applications,…

Traffic Light Patent

Patent of the Week: Traffic Signal

Today in 1923 Garrett Morgan was granted the patent for “Traffic Signal” U.S. Patent No. 1,475,024. Morgan, a hard worker with an entrepreneurial…

Pablo Escobar Tombstone

Escobar, Inc. Suing Netflix for Trademark Infringement

The popular Netflix series Narcos details the life of the notorious Columbian drug lord Pablo Escobar and the Escobar family is not happy about it.…

Light bulb with a brain inside of it

BrainStorm Expands NurOwn Therapy’s Patent Coverage

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) granted BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc., a biotechnology company based in the United States…

Dough Package Patent

Patent of the Week: Dough Package

Thanksgiving is almost here and for many what they will bring or have to eat is a big part of the day. For most, the turkey tends to be the main…

Windshield Wiper Patent

Today in History Mary Anderson was Granted Patent for Windshield Wiper

On this day in 1903, Mary Anderson was granted a patent for a WINDOW CLEANING DEVICE (U.S. Patent No. 743,801), the first windshield wiper. Anderson…

Matt Poulsen

Matt Poulsen to Judge 3-2-1 Quick Pitch Competition

Suiter Swantz IP's Matt Poulsen will be a judge at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Center for Entrepreneurship's ninth annual 3-2-1 Quick Pitch…

Electrical Heating Garment Patent

Patent of the Week: Electrically Heated Garment

With winter on the horizon it is hard not to think about the cold temperatures that will soon be here. There have been many inventions to ward off…

Bat Patent

Halloween Patent: Bat-Like Decorative Object

This BAT-LIKE DECORATIVE OBJECT, U.S. Patent No. 5,285,898, was granted on February 15, 1994. Bats are a Halloween staple and this one is sure to add…

Halloween Board Game Patent

Halloween Patent: Halloween Board Game

Going out on Halloween is not for everyone, younger kids may scare easily, some may be too old to trick-or-treat, or the weather may be nasty. The…