Celebrating National Inventor's Month

The work of inventors has shaped our society, fueled our economy and improved our lives. National Inventor's Month is observed each year in May and was founded as a way to promote the positive image…

Celebrating Earth Day With Recycling Innovations

To celebrate Earth Day, we want to focus on sustainable, environmentally friendly technologies. This year, we wanted to focus on inventions related to recycling. Recycling is the top action society…

Three Reasons to Protect Your Intellectual Property

So, why should you care about protecting your intellectual property? Intellectual property (IP) often gets put on the back burner by business owners. Here at Suiter Swantz IP, we understand it can be…

Celebrating President's Day: Who Was The Only President To Hold A Patent?

In honor of President's Day, we're uncovering the only president-held invention and who is considered to be the 'Father of Invention.' Abraham Lincoln is the first, and only, president to gain…

Love Is Patent, Love Is Kind: Our Favorite Patents For Valentine's Day

Whether you celebrate Valentine's Day or avoid it, we can all get some enjoyment from the various pieces of popular intellectual property associated with the holiday. Before you buy yourself a box…

Black Inventors

Celebrating Black Pioneers in Science this Black History Month

American innovation is rich with the contributions and influence of many Black inventors and STEM professionals. Get to know these notable Black inventors, pioneers and their technological and social…

The Super Bowl: Brought to You by Intellectual Property!

As the Kansas City Chiefs and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers get ready for Super Bowl Sunday, intellectual property protections and innovations are helping to make the event exciting and successful. From…

Ringing In The New Year With New Year's Eve Inspired Inventions

As we countdown to the new year, there are so many inventions to help us celebrate. From festive accessories to champagne, new years celebrations are filled with patented innovations. Below are three…

'Tis The Season To Celebrate Some Classic Holiday Inventions

It's time to celebrate winter holidays and traditions. From snowy-weather activities to unique decorations, this time of year is always filled with joy and celebration. As we celebrate the holidays,…

Recognizing Wright Brothers Day and Aviation History

On Wright Brothers Day, Suiter Swantz IP commends Orville and Wilbur Wright's innovation and passion for aviation. On December 17, 1903, two brothers from Dayton, Ohio changed the course of history…

Granville Woods' Railway Telegraphy Patent No. 373,383

As a trailblazing inventor, Granville Woods set out to develop the railroad telegraph. This device transmitted messages through static electricity between moving trains. His invention made it…