On this day in 1927 Maximillian Buhse was granted the patent for ICE CREAM CONE. U.S. Patent No. 1,615,680.
This invention relates to the type of ice cream receptacles that are made of baked pastry and adapted to be eaten with the ice cream therein contained, and are enerally designated as ice-cream cones; and the invention provides, as a new article of manufacture, a highly improved article of the above character.
In accordance with this invention, the pastry cone is provided with a heavy internal coating of chocolate that will harden and remain hard under all ordinary temperatures and, of course, under very low temperatures. This coating may be sprayed on or otherwise applied and will be of such thickness that it not only reinforces the pastry cone but will be a very pronounced element in the flavor of the ice-cream cone. Also, this coating will make the cone impervious to water and will adapt the same to hold any melted ice-cream, even when, as sometimes will happen, the outer, relatively brittle, pastry shell of the cone is cracked. This coating, as is obvious, will also prevent the pastry cone from becoming soaked or soggy and will prevent the melted cream from leaking through the cone.