What do you think of when you think of summer?  We’ve found a few summer inventions that are staples in most people’s summertime experiences!


Flip Flops – Patent No. 2012/0079739 A1

Flip flops date back to ancient Egyptians sporting them in 1500 BC, but they gained major popularity in the United States when World War II soldiers returning from Japan brought them back. Their popularity began to surge in the 1960s and, in the early 2000s, flip flops were a $20 billion-dollar industry…that’s impressive considering you can usually buy a pair for a dollar.



Super Soaker – Patent No. 5,074,437

The Super Soaker was invented while Lonnie Johnson was working on something unrelated — an improved heat pump that had nothing to do with bored teenagers or summer activities. While he was tinkering, the prototype sprang a leak and shot water across the room. Johnson realized that kids on a hot summer day would probably appreciate a device that could shoot water across a room. However, he did not consider whether their parents would also enjoy such a device. Anyway, that is how the Super Soaker was born. Johnson’s invention was launched in 1990, and by 1992, it was the world’s top-selling toy.





Flying Saucer – Patent No. 3,359,678

The story of the Frisbee began in Bridgeport, Connecticut, where William Frisbie opened the Frisbie Pie Company in 1871.  Students from nearby universities would throw the empty pie tins to each other, yelling “Frisbie!” as they let go. Since then, there have been several, similar, patented flying toys. This particular patent, number 3,359,678, relates to aerodynamic toys to be thrown through the air and in particular to flying saucers for use in throwing games.



Misting Umbrella – Patent No. 6,886,759

Protect yourself from the sun and cool off at the same time! In 2005 Andrew Okronick was issued this misting umbrella patent which combines an umbrella with a misting system to provide a user the benefits of shade and cooling.




Hammock – Patent No. 717,119

Hammocks were used for many years by Native Americans, and Christopher Columbus made note of them in his native voyage saying, “A great many Indians in canoes came to the ship to-day for the purpose of bartering their cotton, and hamacas, or nets, in which they sleep.” Oscar Potter was issued hammock patent 717,119 in 1902. His design was made to support the body more comfortably while laying in it.

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