The Evolution of Basketball: Patents That Shaped The Game

The Evolution of Basketball: Patents That Shaped the Game As we dive into the world of basketball and get ready for the “madness,” it's fascinating to see how patents have shaped the game we love…

Celebrating National Ag Day: Patents That Revolutionized Agriculture

Celebrating National Ag Day: Patents That Revolutionized Agriculture National Ag Day is celebrated annually in March. It’s a day to recognize the groundbreaking innovations that have shaped modern…

Presidential Patent

Presidents' Day and Patent History

Celebrating Presidents and Patents As we approach Presidents' Day, it's a fitting time to reflect on the unique contributions of some of our nation's leaders to the field of patents and intellectual…

football party snacks laid out

Enhance Your Game-Day Experience with These Snack Innovations

Enhance Your Game-Day Experience with These Snack Innovations As the teams prepare for The Big Game, intellectual property protections and innovations help create excitement around the game. The…

The Patents Behind Your Back-to-School Supply List

Back-to-School Supply Patents Brrring! That’s the sound of the school bell, welcoming students and staff back for another exciting school year. Now is the perfect time to highlight some of the most…

Winter Holiday Patents that Bring Us Comfort and Joy

Step into the time of the season when innovation intertwines with the warmth and traditions of the winter holidays. As we prepare to celebrate the season’s festivities, let’s explore the creative…

Back-to-School Essentials: A Closer Look at Game-Changing Patents

Back-to-School Essentials: A Closer Look at Game-Changing Patents As another academic year approaches, students and educators anticipate new opportunities to learn. Join us as we explore…

Fun in the Sun-Summer Patents!

Fun in the Sun-Summer Patents What do you think of when you think of summer? Whether it’s a beach adventure or backyard fun, we have some summer inventions that you’re sure to love!    "Melon…

Out of the Park: How Intellectual Property Shapes the College World Series

Out of the Park: How Intellectual Property Shapes the College World Series Following the NCAA’s Women’s College World Series in Oklahoma City, fans from around the country are gathering in Omaha,…

The History of World IP Day

The History of World IP Day. World Intellectual Property Day is an annual celebration that takes place on April 26th. The holiday is meant to raise awareness about the importance of intellectual…

Easter egg patent

Hopping into the World of Easter-Inspired Patents

Hopping into the World of Easter-Inspired Patents. As Easter approaches, it's a time for family, festivities, and of course, the Easter Bunny! Although Easter is primarily a religious holiday,…

Basketball Hoop Patent

"The Madness" of Basketball Related IP

The Madness of Basketball Related IP. As the NCAA Basketball tournament is about to begin, we wanted to share some basketball-themed intellectual property. As you’re rooting for your favorite team,…